March 31, 2005 – “Mine eyes have seen the Glory of the coming of the Lord,
he has trampled out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored. He has loosed the fateful lightening of his terrible swift sword, HIS truth is marching on”. . . Battle Hymn of the Republic.
Mary Schindler’s Baby
The events of the past month have been a microcosm of the 15 year long struggle
of the wonderful Schindler family to help their beautiful daughter and sister,Terri
survive what seems to be a massive Pinellas Park, FL conspiracy against her life.
The agony I have experienced these few intense weeks, is miniscule compared to
those who have loved her, have cherished her smile, her struggle to communicate,
her touch. They have taught us well the notions of nobility, compassion, dignity,
as well as fighting to the bitter end to save a life.
Against all odds, their loved one became an international celebrity and like another
with no such desire, Terri Schindler became the Roe v Wade of the euthanasia movment.
Her state sanctioned, court ordered starvation and dehydration murder had to be
successfully achieved – and so the powers that be backed down from the fight
for an innocent woman and the future of our nation.
It has been my privilege to have been involved in the biggest epic struggle of
my lifetime, trying to spare Terri’s life and allow her to receive the therapy
she so richly deserved.
The pictures seen on this web log are to chronicle history. Never before in
U.S. History has this heinous act been perpetrated upon an innocent woman,
who had committed no crime. Our nation will pay a price. The Lord had this
bitter saga carried out on the public stage for 2 long weeks. He used this struggle
to separate the wheat from the chaff. The leaders of our country feigned sorrow
about this “tragic situation” but were found severely wanting when it came to really
saving a life.
Terri deserved better, her family deserved better, our nation’s children deserved
better, our nation deserved better. President Bush and Governor Bush had a constitutional mandate to protect the constitutional rights of their citizens. They
squandered it and now a circuit court “judge” is the most powerful man in the land.
He has likely put the final nail in the coffin of our system of checks and balances.
A mother’s love for a baby she has carried never fades and can never be destroyed.
Mary’s love was without measure – her dedication to the life she brought forth
into this world has taught us all about the never ending quest to protect that
life, despite the incredible cost. Her opponents have taught us about the macabre, the depraved and the demented.
Mr. Schiavo plans to bury Terri’s ashes in Pennsylvania, once the evidence of
his abuse has been eradicated. The Lord, however, works in mysterious ways.
God have mercy upon the soul of this land!