Monday, December 30, 2013

Medical Arrogance & Jahi's Reprieve ~

"Children’s Hospital Oakland has a very good reputation where I live in the Bay Area. But its public communication around the tragedy of Jahi McMath’s ”brain death” has been astoundingly insensitive, bordering on arrogant."

"The ruling comes a day after the girl’s relatives met with hospital officials and said the meeting did not go well. They said a doctor had told them that Jahi is “dead, dead, dead, dead” and that further medical care was no longer needed."

"The way in which hospital spokespersons discussed Jahi’s tragedy publicly also illuminates the arrogance among the technocratic class, who too often lose the forest for the trees when considering how public health policies they advocate impact real families."

This important article by Wesley Smith about Jahi McMath is one we all should read and contemplate, regarding the growing medical arrogance and callous disregard of patients in the era of Obamacare.

In my opinion, this kind of mistreatment of a patient and her loved ones is unconscionable and should have had people in the streets decrying the above insensitive remarks & mis-treatment of this vulnerable family.

Sadly, with Jahi's crisis happening during the holidays, public awareness of her plight hasn't been what it should have been.

As these photos show, the media was out in force but no protestors were in sight to question the "experts" and suggest that Children's Hospital treat the family with some dignity and respect.

Kudos to Wesley Smith for calling them out on their heartless public relations skills.

Praise God a judge has intervened and given Jahi a reprieve until January 7, 2014.

Please pray for a smooth and speedy transition to a facility that honors life and religious beliefs.

Friday, December 27, 2013

"Life Unworthy of Life"

13 year old Jahi is the focus of another case where the "experts" have decided and again weighed in on "Life unworthy of life".  

"Before Auschwitz and the other death camps, the Nazis had established a policy of direct medical killing - killing arranged within medical channels, by means of medical decisions, and carried out by doctors and their assistants. The Nazis called this program ''euthanasia.''

''Euthanasia,'' in its Greek derivation, means ''good death.'' The word is generally used for actions taken to facilitate the deaths of those who are already dying, and has long been a subject of debate for physicians, moral philosophers and the general public.

The Nazis, however, used the term ''euthanasia'' to camouflage mass murder. Just how the Nazis were able to do that has been made clearer by recent historical research and by interviews I was able to conduct during the last decade with German doctors who participated in the killing project.

Nazi medicalized killing provided both the method - the gas chamber - and much of the personnel for the death camps themselves. In Auschwitz, for instance, doctors selected prisoners for death, supervised the killings in the gas chambers and decided when the victims were dead.

Doctors, in short, played a crucial role in the Final Solution. The full significance of medically directed killing for Nazi theory and behavior cannot be comprehended unless we understand how Nazi doctors destroyed the boundary between healing and killing." 

Flash forward to Jahi's tragic situation as a result of a tonsillectomy gone bad ~ her devastated family has found a facility to give Jahi care, but now they must fight this heartless mentality.

"Children's Hospital Oakland does not believe that performing surgical procedures on the body of a deceased person is an appropriate medical practice," he said."

One can't help but reflect on the confusion surrounding "brain death" without remembering Terri Schindler Schiavo.  As Terri's brother so eloquently noted,

 "TAMPA, Fla., Nov. 19 /Christian Newswire/ -- Yesterday on This Week, George Stephanopoulos, in an interview with Senator Fred Thompson, commented that Terri Schiavo's autopsy proved she was "brain dead."  The New York Times also reported on this interview, repeating that the autopsy proved Terri was "brain dead."
This is patently false and Terri's family is requesting that the media immediately stop using this offensive and inaccurate expression to describe her condition.

Terri's brother, Bobby Schindler, says, "Brain death is an authentic diagnosis, not some catch phrase that should be loosely used based upon a 'summary of widespread response' or opinions that have been written about my sister.  We are requesting that the media take a few minutes to research the facts regarding Terri's case and, more importantly, her condition.  In doing so they would learn that not one doctor ever diagnosed Terri as being 'brain-dead.' This includes those who wrote her autopsy report. All of this information is easily available and accessible."

Rarely, if ever, mentioned in media reports are the more than 40 doctors' affidavits submitted to the court that either contradicted that Terri was in a so-called PVS or stated that she could have been helped with proper rehabilitation."

And Terri's sister Suzanne Vitadamo explained, "Terri was a daughter, a sister and a friend who was loved by many who feel the pain of her loss every single day. She was guilty only of having a brain injury and being dependent on others for her care. Sadly, in today's culture, this was not enough to save her from being killed," said Vitadamo.  "My sister fell victim to an ever-growing and dangerous 'quality of life' standard used to decide whether one should live or die."

This New Yorker article from 2001 raises some extremely important considerations which America desperately needs to revisit and strongly debate the ivory tower proclamations.

"It may be too much to say that the concept of brain death is an outright lie, but it is certainly less than the truth. Like many of technology’s sublime achievements, organ transplant, for all its promise, also has an unavoidable aspect of horror—the horror of rendering a human being into raw materials, of turning death into life, of harvesting organs from an undead boy. Should a practice, however noble, be able to hold truth hostage? Perhaps the medical profession should embrace the obvious: to be an organ donor is to choose a particular way to finish our dying, at the hands of a surgeon, after some uncertain border has been crossed—a line that will change with time and circumstance, and one that science will never be able to draw with precision."

As this New Yorker article explains, even when every family member is strongly
in favor of organ donation, it's still fraught with ambiguity.

"It is tempting to wish that death weren’t so complicated. Had Nick and his parents realized how alive he still needed to be in order to donate his vital organs successfully, they could have been given an honest choice between having Nick remain at home until the end and giving up on his goal of becoming a donor, and going to the hospital much earlier and staying until he could be declared “as good as dead.”

Another grieving mother in Colorado is writing a book about her daughter receiving sub-standard care following an auto pedestrian accident, possibly due to her organ donor designation.

The medically vulnerable are ever more so with every passing day with the ACA and the fiscal considerations obscuring the ethical considerations we thought were "safe" after the Nazis and their horrific medical experiment on steroids had been defeated.

"If anything, the evaluations by the experts were even more mercurial and superficial than those of the doctors and administrators who initially filled out the questionnaires. Each expert was sent at least 100 questionnaires at a time. During one 17-day period, one of the experts was required to complete 2,109 evaluations.

The experts did no examinations and had no access to medical histories; they made decisions solely on the basis of the questionnaires. Their occasional disagreements had only to do with definitions and policy; the pressure was always to order a patient's death. At his 1946 trial, Friedrich Mennecke, one of the experts, recalled the implicit directive that ''one should not be petty . . . but instead, liberal'' in rendering a ''positive judgment.''   German Doctors and The Final Solution ~ New York Times 1986

God help us!

Sunday, December 08, 2013

Former Colorado Governor Lamm's Legacy??

Although Colorado is often credited for passing America's first abortion law, it was actually Mississippi ~ as States of Refuge reminds us.

"The eyes of America are upon you. Abortion began in America when Mississippi passed the first “law” that allowed for abortion in case of rape in 1966. This opened the door for other states to follow and eventually to Roe vs. Wade. The toll this murderous rampage has taken upon our nation is immense. You can be the first state set free from the curse of blood guiltiness. Since it started in Mississippi, how powerful would it be, if it ended in Mississippi? Certainly, this is a dream worth making a reality."

Yet, Colorado's former Governor, Dick Lamm, is responsible for America's abortion holocaust, in so many ways.  According to Wikipedia:

Colorado House of Representatives[edit]

"In 1964 he was elected to the Colorado House of Representatives as a Democrat from an affluent district near the University of Denver. In 1967, he drafted and succeeded in passing the nation's first liberalized abortion law.[6] He was an early leader of the environmental movement, and was President of the First National Conference on Population and the Environment."
"In 1984, his outspoken statements in support of physician-assisted suicide generated controversy, specifically over his use of the phrase "we have a duty to die." Lamm later explained that he "was essentially raising a general statement about the human condition, not beating up on the elderly," and that the exact phrasing in the speech was "We've got a duty to die and get out of the way with all of our machines and artificial hearts and everything else like that and let the other society, our kids, build a reasonable life." [10] His dire predictions for the future of social security and health care ("duty to die") earned him the nickname "Governor Gloom".
The Colorado Statesman recently honored former Governor Lamm with a photo essay celebrating 40 years of Lamm's impact on Colorado and the nation:  
My quarter century efforts on behalf of the vulnerable pre-born prompted me to pen this missive ~
"Dead babies are Dick Lamm’s legacy — unless he repents"
Dear Editor,
Your November 1, 2013 special insert coverage of Dick Lamm’s 40th Reunion was an interesting retrospective but was sadly lacking one important detail from his legacy, which all the celebrating of his life and accomplishments can not erase.
The former Governor’s bill, which brought liberalized child killing to America in 1967, has led to the deaths of over 50 million innocent human beings who were never able to enjoy their beautiful country, see a breathtaking sunset, smell a rose or enjoy a glass of wine at a celebration.
Precious children made in God’s image and likeness who had souls, were denied the God-given, inalienable right to life, which America’s birth certificate, The Declaration of Independence, delineated.
Every year in Colorado alone, a Pepsi Center full of children are killed and flushed into the sewers or incinerated, like so much trash.
That is the sad legacy that will go with Dick Lamm into eternity, unless he repents for the horrific legislation he passed 46 years ago, which I pray he does.
Human rights do not come from the government, for then they wouldn’t be rights; nor from the majority (consider America and slaves, Germany and Jews); nor from the delivery doctor or hospital. For rights come from our Creator, at that moment we are created, as Jeremiah 1:5 quotes God, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.”
The Declaration of Independence affirms what those who believe in God have always known.“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life…” We have human rights because we are made in our Creator’s image and likeness, which is why parents, unlike animals, have a moral obligation to protect and love our children, born and unborn. 
We have the right to due process as affirmed by God when He said, “Thou shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.” And we have the right to own private property as affirmed by God when He said, “Thou shall not steal.”
And we have the right to life as affirmed by God when He said, “Thou shall not murder.”  —
Leslie Hanks
American Right to Life