Thursday, May 29, 2008


May 28, 2008 Joris Brinkerhoff planned to treat Planned Parenthood contributors to an evening of good food, good drink, and good music in hopes of raising big bucks for the abortion industry. Joris owns a 5 million dollar home that backs up to the elite Denver Country Club. The setting was beautiful, the night was gorgeous and the pro lifers were magnificent.

Attendees were greeted outside the entrance to the mansion by a bloody abortion doctor wielding broken and bloodied dolls while he thanked them for their help to kill the babies. " It's a big job, I can't do it all by myself, he chided. Thanks for your help." Next they had to drive through an archway that read "Baby Killers". They were stunned to say the least. Some drove by the entrance, but faithful pro lifers directed them back to the "Baby Killers" gate. If by chance they made it around to the back entrance they were met with another incredible street scene including a huge truth truck, protesters holding graphic signs and sidewalk art.

Once the guests were all safely inside and away from the "scene" on the street they had a few minutes to relax. But, only for a few minutes. Running along side the Brinerhoff property to the west is a public alleyway that allowed the pro lifers to look directly down on the garden party, completely unobstructed. It was a protesters dream. The pro aborts were going to "enjoy their cocktails" and dine within feet of the protest. Their cocktails were served with a healthy dose of the gospel message with a backdrop of the "baby killers" archway and graphic signs to remind them of exactly where their money was going.

The salads were delivered to the tables on the terrace by waiters and waitress in formal attire only to sit in the elements for over an hour before the first few people made their way to the tables. The pro lifers were polite and allowed most of the guests be seated before Pastor Bob Enyart announced that Pastor CJ was going to pray for their meal. Pastor CJ prayed a beautiful blessing on their food and reminded them of the war on the babies. And for their listening enjoyment he began to preach to them about the destiny of their souls and how to be saved. ALLELUIA!

As soon as Pastor CJ finished with his sermon, Ken Scott preached to them about global warming, better known as the lake of fire. A waiter, in an attempt to save the day plugged in a boom box to drown out the truth. Most of the people attending the event were over fifty and they looked extremely uncomfortable. The music was loud and abrasive (Speaking from first hand experience, most people over fifty do not enjoy loud and abrasive music.) and it did very little to dampen the sound from the preachers. Occasionally, when the music paused all the pro lifers chanted "No killing with tranquility".

Shame is a powerful tool to bring sinners to repentance and it was served on the golden platter of the truth by pro lifers at the Brinkerhoff' home last night. Not only did contributors to Planned Parenthood have good food, good drink, good music, but they heard the Truth of the one and only Good One, Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord!

Ken and Jo Scott

"This victory is the voice of the people
and all credit goes to our Creator"


For Immediate Release:

29 May 2008

Contact: Kristi Burton, 719-661-8827

Human Life Amendment Signatures Certified –
Historic Amendment Officially on November's Ballot

Denver, Colorado – May 29, 2008 – For the first time in US history, the
issue of personhood will be decided in the public forum by a
constitutional amendment. Colorado for Equal
Rights has been notified by the Colorado Secretary of State's Office that
enough valid signatures were submitted to put the Every Human is a Person
amendment on the November 2008 ballot. The Secretary of State's Office's
random sampling indicated that there were 103,377 valid signatures,
surpassing the 76,047 valid signatures that
were required.

"The people of Colorado have spoken, the Secretary of State's Office has
certified our signatures, and our equal rights amendment will be on
November's ballot," stated Kristi Burton, initiative sponsor. "All humans
should be protected by love and by law, and this amendment is a historic
effort to ensure equal rights for every person."

Colorado for Equal Rights has demonstrated an unparalleled grassroots effort
thus far, with likely more volunteer circulators than any other ballot
initiative in the State's history. The grassroots initiative had over 1,300
volunteer petition circulators.

"We at Colorado for Equal Rights are incredibly thankful for our many
volunteers who worked so hard for each signature we delivered to the
Secretary of State's Office and the churches who stood behind us and
supported us," Burton continued. "This victory is the voice of the people
and all credit goes to our Creator"

Colorado for Equal Rights is a statewide grassroots organization of
concerned citizens who value human life. Colorado for Equal Rights is
sponsoring the Human Life Amendment to the Colorado constitution, stating
"(t)he term 'Person' or 'Persons' shall include any human from the time

For more information, please contact Kristi Burton at 719-661-8827 or via
e-mail at