Feb 24 2009 7:38PM
As state legislators prepare to get back to work tomorrow...one bill that will receive some attention in the Senate could put North Dakota in the national spotlight once again.
The bill sponsored by Minot Representative Dan Ruby that has passed in the House defines when life begins.
It says that happens at conception...thus offering constitutional rights to an unborn baby.
It would be a challenge to Roe vs Wade and because of that, it has put North Dakota...and the Republican Ruby in the spotlight...
(Rep. Dan Ruby - (R) Minot) "It has been overwhelmingly in support although I have gotten opposition and people expressing their anger and disappointment. But most have been in support mainly because it is basic science of when life begins and when a human being can be determined genetically and with DNA from its mother."
Ruby says he has been surprised how much attention the bill has received since it has only passed the House and is still a long way from becoming law.
He says he's been busy doing interviews with numerous national radio shows on the bill.