Thursday, June 12, 2008

Of Gay Rights

Jun 10, 2008
* Focus on the Family Promotes Gay Rights: Oops.

With Colorado enacting the most hostile homosexual law against Christians in American history, Focus on the Family is ignoring the governmental censorship of SB 200 which forbids publication of most Christian teaching on homosexuality. Christian pamphlets and books against homosexual marriage, adoption, etc., are now illegal in Colorado. However, Dr. James Dobson's Focus on the Family is opposing a cartoon-version of this law, complaining that it will allow men in women's restrooms.

However that bathroom aspect is least devastating part of the SB 200 attack on Christians, and it was certainly not the intent of the majority of the wicked and naïve legislators who voted for this attack law. Why has Dr. Dobson focused on the bathroom stall and ignored that SB 200 criminalizes the publishing of Christian teaching on homosexuality? Focus on the History of homosexual rights in Colorado to understand. In 1993, Focus vice president Tom Minnery and their public policy group, along with the well-meaning but short-sighted Will Perkins and Keven Tebedo at Colorado for Family Values, steered the Body of Christ down a tragic path of appeasement with humanists and homosexuals by caving in to gay political correctness. In a statewide Colorado campaign on Amendment 2, Dr. Dobson actually advocated, this is shocking even to recall, "equal rights" for homosexuals.

That initiative, reasonably designed to stall the homosexual agenda, succeeded by passing with 54% of the vote, a statewide majority, bolstered by Dr. James Dobson's unwise but opportunistic campaign slogan of "equal rights, not special rights," for homosexuals. Winning that battle gave Christians a short-lived victory that cost them the war. Since Dr. Dobson advocated equal rights for homosexuals, he has lost his standing to recognize, let alone oppose, the real devastation of Colorado's SB 200, the criminalizing of traditional Christian and biblical teaching on homosexuality. If the bill's sponsors would amend it protecting toilets from cross-gender intrusion, it seems Focus on the Family would be at a loss to continue their criticism.

Because Dr. Dobson has trusted lawyers, moral relativists and secular humanists to direct Christianity's current spiritual warfare, increasingly believers are looking elsewhere for substantive political, moral, and spiritual leadership. Thus, Christians oppose a cartoon version of this sweeping anti-Christian law, complaining that it will allow men in women's toilets, when in reality, SB 200 is the most far-reaching, hostile homosexual attack on Christians America has ever seen.

To learn more about this deplorable situation in Colorado and our nation, tune in to

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